Eating Gluten-Free in Disney World Part 1

Eating Gluten-Free in Disney World Part 1

My family and I had the pleasure of going to our favorite place on earth recently – Walt Disney World! I've been going there my whole life and while I kind of go nuts for it myself, it's even more special to see my kids' reactions to everything. Just tons and...
10 Reasons Why Stress Is So Bad For You

10 Reasons Why Stress Is So Bad For You

Ahhh, stress. We all know the symptoms. The racing heartbeat, the constricting throat, the sweaty palms, the feelings of irritability, anxiousness, and overwhelm.  It's not that stress is inherently bad for us. A small amount of short-lived stress can actually be...
Why I Did AIP Again (aka Getting “Glutened” Sucks)

Why I Did AIP Again (aka Getting “Glutened” Sucks)

If you follow me on Instagram or if you have been following this blog for a while, you might have noticed I've been posting Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) recipes. And if you've read my story of how I started to feel AMAZING on and after AIP last summer you'd probably be...

Is Going Paleo Too Hard?

Ah the things I hear about the Paleo diet. Things like how we go around clubbing meat and eating solely meat all day (I eat more veggies than meat…) . And how we all don't eat any carbs whatsoever (many of us include a moderate amount of carbs...
5 Alternatives to Traditional Meditation

5 Alternatives to Traditional Meditation

Even though I’ve followed the Paleo diet for years now, I recently learned that diet alone is not enough to keep you from disaster when it comes to your health. I had dealt with years of unmitigated stress and no actual outlet for that stress, and it caused me to go...
What Does Food Mean To You?

What Does Food Mean To You?

Food has always had some sort of magical hold over me, for as long as I can remember. Some may call it emotional eating, but for me it goes way beyond that. It’s more of my way of remembering things. Of remembering times I shared with friends and family, of stories...

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